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Universities Cricket

To get involved in our University cricket programs - contact

Formats and Structures

  • There are four main competitions in our University Cricket Calendar - the University Cricket League (UCL), Joint-U Cricket Sixes, Beginner's Joint-U Cricket Sixes and Women's Joint-U Cricket Sixes
  • The UCL is a hard-ball, 11-a-side T20 competition, with games played throughout the academic year. Any full-time or part-time student is eligible to take part.
  • The three Joint-U Cricket Sixes events are all single-day tournaments, played with softer ball. The main Joint-U Cricket Sixes tournament will be played in the fall semester, and the Beginner's and Women's sixes will be played in the Spring semester. Player Eligibility rules are the same as those of the HK Universities Sports Federation, with additional rules in place regarding who can participate in the Beginner's and Women's events.
  • A social University Club Cricket League will also be conducted for select Universities. This competition will include faculty and alumni, with some games player at University grounds.

Coaching Support

CHK is happy to work with any University group that wants to run a beginner's cricket workshop for University students. We are able to provide bilingual coaches and plastic equipment for the sessions at no cost. For more information, please contact

Fixtures and Results:

UCL CricHQ Page

Joint-U Cricket Sixes CricHQ Page

Page last updated: 13th Dec 2021