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CHK launches Women’s Premier League!

The best Women's Players in Hong Kong are set to go head to head in the WPL!

CHK are pleased to announce the launch of the Women’s Premier League for the upcoming season, with three games played over the next three months between two squads of the best women players in HK.

All games will be live streamed via our social media platforms, with matches played at the Hong Kong Cricket Club and Tin Kwong Road Recreational Ground (aka Mission Road).

Chris Pickett, CHK’s Head of Women’s Cricket, has been at the forefront of designing this competition, and had this to say at the launch of the event:

The Women’s Premier League (WPL) offers Cricket Hong Kong an ideal vehicle to both challenge the elite domestic players in Hong Kong and to see them in the most competitive environment available in Hong Kong to assess them for potential Hong Kong team selection. With selection for the teams not being limited to those eligible to represent Hong Kong, we ensure we get an elite group of players and experiences.

The WPL is set to feature prominently in the 2020-21 domestic calendar, alongside a new two-division structure in the Women’s T20 league. According to Chris Pickett, this restructuring “will put an increased emphasis on players performance at domestic level and then create a more competitive environment to prepare players more for the demands of international play and performance.

The two teams – Jade Jets and Bauhinia Stars – have been selected by CHK and are balanced to ensure a competitive match up across the three games.

From a product perspective the franchise style and specific identities of the squads and allegiance for players with their squad will help emphasise the importance of the WPL within the CHK Women’s selection pathway. It also provides a high-profile product with which CHK can promote and expand the Women’s game through Hong Kong with their intent to stream and promote the matches on social media.

I am hugely looking forward to seeing this product in action and to see the players in action in this elite, more talent streamlined competition.

The first two games of this competition will be 35-Over matches, on 18th October and 22nd November, while the third and final game will be a 40-Over game on 13th December. All games will be lived scored on CricHQ.


Game 1 - 18th October – HKCC – 8:30 AM

Game 2 – 22nd November – TKRRG – 8:30 AM

Game 3 – 13th December – TKRRG – 8:30 AM